Who Likes Me

Saturday, 26 October 2013

::JK Style:: Elvira Pink Gurly&Lanne!

Sweet things from ::JK Style:: ..We have at the top Elvira Pink Gurly, a smashing set with lot's of skully's,  bows and crowns..and gorgeous fishnet tights and gloves..and also some lovely suede boots!
Available to V.I.P. Group members for the amaing price of L$20!! So get your tags  girls and go for it!

Now we have a sweet little dress Lanne...I think this is maybe my all time favourite so far from ::JK Style:: It's so pretty and of course it comes with texture change hud..It comes in two versions, lace as in the pictures or solid's.. Both a steal at L$60
Get the goodies here:

::JK Style::  Nadelhorn

::JK Style:: Mainstore@Pure

Thursday, 24 October 2013

::JK Style:: Rhonda!

A little stunner from ::JK Style::  Meet Rhonda... A lovely white tube top ,Ripped jeans and a gorgeous little jacket with texture change hud..So, Mix n Match away for that special look you always get with ::JK Style::
Find Rhonda here:  ::JK Style::

Sunday, 20 October 2013

::FLG Halloween Girl ::

Skin: al vulo- Aisha* Smoky blonde brow cleavage sunkissed GG

Shape: Panda Punx Kimmie Shape L$0

Outfit: FLG Halloween Girl L$0

Hair: My Own

Outfit comes complete with top, jeans and shoes...scary moments optional!
Happy Halloween!

Friday, 18 October 2013

::JK Style:: @ Cosmo!

More loveliness from ::JK Style:: .Some great little outfits for the onset of Autumn.

First is Cora...Just right for those cool mornings...Cora comes with a texture change hud so you can mix n match some beautiful shades!

Next up is Delilah..She also comes with texture change hud for both top and jeans!

Then we have Natasha..A gorgeous set in both naturals and brights! Three colour tops and two colour jeans...
All priced at a fantastic L$60
Some beautiful stuffs again from ::JK Style::Get them here...
::JK Style:: @ Nadelhorn
::JK Style:: @ Pure Sales Room (2nd floor)
::JK Style:: Main Store @ Pure

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Skin: al vulo- Aisha* Smoky blonde brow cleavage sunkissed GG

Shape: Panda Punx Kimmie Shape L$0

Outfit: Wi lay Stylez Gift Glimmer L$1

Hair: My Own

Nails: [Bamboo] Nails-Dart: GG

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Iffyta Loose Tanks!

Picked up some lovely tanks/vests from my friends at Iffyta the other day! Just perfect for anytime over a bikini top for a cover up on the beach, or a night out on the town. A fantastic set that comes with texture change hud of course...Go grab them...A steal at L$49!

Get the stuffs here!!

Friday, 4 October 2013

::JK Style:: @ Pure!

More awesomeness from JKStyle!...
Top to bottom we have... Gwendolyn priced at L$60, Liz priced at L$60, Rhonda priced at L$70, and Sheila priced at L$50. They all come complete with a texture change hud .
All different and all dead sexy in their own ways!
Get on down and check out these awesome outfits!

Here is where to find the goodies!
::JK Style:: @ Pure

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

~CandyMetal~ October Group Gift!

Skin: al vulo- Aisha* Smoky blonde brow cleavage sunkissed GG

Shape: Panda Punx Kimmie Shape L$0

Outfit: ~CandyMetal~ October Group Gift Outfit Mesh

Hair: My Own

Boots: ~CandyMetal~  October GG Studded mesh ankle boots 

The outfit comes complete with stockings and skin's(not worn)