Who Likes Me

Saturday, 30 July 2016

*PB Design* Roberta Romper

*PB Design* has the lovely Roberta romper as an SL Free and Offers Group Gift. It has a 12 colour texture change hud, and has 5 mesh sizes and alpha, and Slink, Maitreya and Belleza sizes. Go grab it! Lot's of other goodies in store too!
*PB Design*

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Selene Creations

Selene Creations. Beautiful purple dress..This was a free gift at the time i got it. I'm not sure it still is, but even if not, you should pay a visit, It's a great store. This dress is fit mesh for Maitreya mesh body only.
Selene Creations:

Monday, 11 July 2016

{Indyra} J'aime

{Indyra} J'aime.. Fabulous jeans and top, all with texture change hud! And the top comes in two styles..dry look and wet  look. Ear rings are included too. The jeans can be worn with or without cuffs.
Appliers for Maitreya, Omega, TMP and Belleza also included.
Get it here: